How to package your skills and find clients
as a content creator without being an "Influencer"


September 16, 2023

Ever since I was a little girl, I have always sought the thrill of traveling.

The allure of pristine beaches, bustling cities, and remote mountain villages has many of us dreaming of a life on the road.I’m reminded of my early days, juggling between city life and my dream of freedom. No, I’m not an “influencer” with millions of followers, but a content creator with a knack for packaging my skills and finding clients who value my work. Let me share my journey with you.

The Myth of the "Influencer"

When I started, I believed that to be successful online, one had to be an “influencer.” But as I traveled and met countless women like me, I realized that it’s not about the followers but the value you bring, and knowing how to package that value in a certain way. Your unique perspective, your voice, and your skills are your currency.


Back then, I was another face in the crowd, posting generic travel photos. But then, I asked myself, “What stories do I want to tell?” For me, it was about sustainable travel and local cultures. Think about your last trip. Was it the bustling markets, the hidden trails, or the local cuisine that captivated you? Are you a storyteller, a videographer, a graphic designer, or perhaps a mix of these? That’s your niche. That’s your voice.

Don’t just focus on the content, craft stories

Remember the last time you felt a connection with a place or its people? For me, it was living with a local family in Vietnam, understanding their traditions and daily life. It wasn’t just a trip; it was a story. Your portfolio should be a collection of such stories, experiences that resonate not just with you but with everyone yearning for a similar connection.

I recall my first successful “side hustle” as a writer, for a client from Upwork. She was looking to have articles created on sustainable travel. Instead of a generic proposal, I shared my personal experience of a plastic-free beach day in Bali. She hired me instantly!

Building your brand with vulnerability

My brand isn’t about the number of countries I’ve visited, but the depth of my experiences. It’s about sharing without a filter. It’s about being vulnerable, and also being authentic. Whether it’s learning traditional pottery in Morocco or participating in community service in Peru, it’s these authentic experiences that define my brand. What are yours? Maybe it’s your knack for finding hidden gems in popular destinations or your culinary adventures. Embrace them.

Why posting is not the key

While my Instagram showcases my travels, my blog is where I connect. I share the challenges (like that time I lost my luggage in Prague) and the joys (like the impromptu salsa night in Cuba). It’s real, raw, and relatable. When you share, don’t just showcase the highlights; share the lows, the learnings, the moments that made you grow. Focus on engaging, not just posting.

Let me also share a few tips with you. Being on the move doesn’t mean compromising on work. I swear by a few digital tools that keep me organized. From AI-driven content planners that help me schedule posts to virtual collaboration platforms for client meetings, technology has been my ally. There’s this tool called Otter.ai which I use for transcription meetings and webinars. Find your tech companions that suit your workflow.

This is also where networks will start to matter…

One of my most significant projects came from a conversation over coffee in a tiny Lisbon café with that barista whose interest was so piqued on what exactly I was doing for a living. Networking isn’t about formal events; it’s about genuine conversations, be it online or offline. Join local workshops, attend travel talks, or simply strike up a conversation with a fellow  traveler. You never know where it might lead.


Lastly, when I approach brands, I don’t just sell content; I share a vision. A vision born from my experiences. It’s about how I can tell their story through my lens. When you pitch, be genuine. Share how your unique perspective can add value to their brand. Embrace the journey, learn, evolve, and keep creating.

The Next Step (Take note as this may be that life-changing moment you are waiting for)

The journey I’ve shared is just the tip of the iceberg. There are countless nuances, tools, and experiences that have shaped my path as a content creator on the move. If you’ve ever wondered about the deeper intricacies of this lifestyle, I’ve been fortunate to connect with seasoned digital nomads who’ve generously shared their insights and stories with me. There’s an upcoming discussion where some of these nomads will be sharing their experiences and answering questions. It might be something you’d find valuable if you’re considering this path. Curious? You can find more details here. It’s always enlightening to hear from those who’ve walked the path.

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