Unlocking Productivity on the Go: Time Management Tips for On-the-Go Creators

TRISH SAINZ  Contributor

September 15, 2023

As a young girl, I have always loved the sound of crashing waves.

Imagine this: You’re nestled in a cozy restaurant overlooking the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the aroma of fresh espresso wafting through the air. Your laptop is open, ready for a day of work. But as the hours slip by, you find yourself lost in the city’s charm, with little to no work done. This is the paradox of the traveling freelancer. The world offers endless inspiration, but without effective time management, it’s easy to get swept away, missing deadlines and opportunities. For digital nomads, mastering the art of time management isn’t just beneficial—it’s crucial. Dive in with me as we explore strategies to make every moment count.

1. Embrace the Power of Routine

While every new destination promises adventure and inspiration, it also presents distractions. The allure of new experiences can often overshadow work commitments, making it essential to strike a balance. I remember my first trip to Tokyo. The city’s neon lights and bustling streets especially in the Shinjuku district, beckoned me every evening. But soon, I realized that if I didn’t set boundaries, my work would suffer. It’s essential to remind ourselves that while travel offers a break from routine, our commitments remain. 


Yes, the nomadic lifestyle offers flexibility, but establishing a daily routine can be a game-changer. It can also be quite lonely, even if you’re traveling with a friend or significant other, but luckily on this trip, I would soon find a way around that too. Whether it’s dedicating mornings to brainstorming or evenings to editing, find a rhythm that aligns with your energy levels.

2. Prioritize & Delegate

One of the great things about traveling is how your awareness can be expanded everyday. Whether by seeing things you’ve never seen, meeting people with interesting perspectives, or getting interesting suggestions. Such as when I sat next to an ex CIA operative who shared his most recent podcast episode with me on task orientation. It became clear every task deserves your immediate attention. List down your tasks, categorize them based on urgency, and tackle them accordingly. And here’s a secret: sometimes, it’s okay to delegate. Platforms like Upwork have been lifesavers when I needed assistance with graphic design or video editing. 


Also take note that each of us has a rhythm—a specific time when our creativity peaks. It could be the tranquil early mornings or the vibrant energy of late nights. Pinpoint these golden hours and reserve them for your most demanding tasks. In Barcelona, due to my jet lag, I began waking early with an excited energy that didn’t let up during the entire 3 week trip. I’d always been a night person but discovered my love for dawn. The city’s quiet streets became my muse, and my productivity soared. Find your Barcelona. Find your dawn.

3. Digital Tools are Your Best Friends

Being on the move doesn’t mean compromising on efficiency. Tools like Trello for task management and Focus@Will for productivity-enhancing music have been indispensable. They help streamline tasks, ensuring I have more time to enjoy a sunset or a local delicacy.

Time-tracking apps, digital calendars, and even AI-driven personal assistants can also be game-changers. For time-tracking and just overall assistance on productivity, I use Timely and it works like a charm for me. Before I discovered it, I once missed a crucial deadline because of a time zone mix-up. It was a rookie mistake, one that cost me a valuable client. Now, I swear by that app and other more which really help to always schedule my tasks based on my client’s time zone.

4. Set Clear Boundaries

It’s easy to get swayed by the charm of a new city or the company of fellow travelers. But setting clear work-play boundaries ensures you meet deadlines without missing out on the fun. 


Travel is unpredictable. There might be days when you’re brimming with inspiration, and then there are days when you just want to soak in the surroundings. It’s okay to be flexible, but discipline is key. Set daily or weekly goals. And if you decide to take an impromptu day off? Compensate for it. During my stay in Prague, I was so enamored by the city’s Gothic architecture that I took a day off just to explore. But I made up for it by working extra hours the next day.

5. Embrace the Downtime

Travel often comes with its share of waiting – be it at airports, bus stations, or cafes. Instead of seeing it as wasted time, use it productively. I’ve penned some of my best ideas while waiting for a train in Prague. The beauty of being a digital nomad is you can literally work from anywhere; be it the back of a taxi cab, hair salon, mall or hotel lobby, the world is your office.

Also, on a side note, one of the best sources of time management hacks has been fellow digital nomads. Joining co-working spaces or attending nomad meet-ups has not only expanded my network but also introduced me to a plethora of productivity tools and techniques.

as a no-brainer,
don’t forget to unplug

Ironically, one of the best productivity hacks is to take regular breaks. Whether it’s a short walk, a meditation session, or simply gazing at the horizon, these moments of pause rejuvenate the mind, sparking creativity. However, what works wonders for me might not resonate with you. No worries as there’s still so much to talk about.

Found all of these helpful? It’s just the tip of the iceberg…

While these tips have been instrumental in my journey, there’s so much more beneath the surface. Every city, every experience has taught me unique lessons in productivity and balance. If you’re keen to delve deeper and truly master the art of being an on-the-go creator, why not learn directly from someone who’s been there?


Join me in my upcoming webinar, where I’ll share detailed insights, personal anecdotes, and answer all your burning questions. It’s not just about managing time; it’s about making the most of this incredible digital nomad journey. Let’s embark on this learning adventure together and unlock the secrets to thriving productivity, no matter where you are in the world.

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